Thursday, December 30, 2010

Do I Smell Cheddar?

Clad in a buttoned-up stark white coat, I walked amongst the human lab rats enthralled by their simplicity. Haphazard Christmas shoppers passed me unnoticed, purses unzipped, arms heavily loaded with holiday packages crying out to be swiped by any grifter who should happen to ‘accidentally’ bump into them – Oh, such easy targets!
But they were mere linear-thinkers, blind to my superior genius-ness and not surprisingly painfully oblivious to my master plan.
“Do you have any questions?” the blue-vested gentleman named Dave abruptly interrupted my scientific research.
“Why aren’t people smarter?” my enormous brain wondered judgmentally, clearly mounted atop one of my occasionally recurring High Horses (I have a whole stable for those of you new to my writing).
And reining in my chosen steed of the day “Einstein”, I struggled to grasp why anyone in their right mind would randomly wander through a store like a mouse in a maze in search of cheese, floundering handbag agape.
“Yes” I replied ever so smartly. “My parents would like to buy me an LED TV for Christmas.”
Floundering handbag agape, talked into purchasing additional cables for optimization of picture clarity in High Definition as well as a power surge bar, “free” cleaning cloths and a two year warranty; an embarrassed Einstein and I spent another hour at home idiotically bungling our way as to how to properly install the base with the doohickey thingy (you know, the twirly stick with the four pointy tips*), a couple bags of screws, a paper manual, reading glasses and a flashlight…
But declaring my newly constructed television set an iconoclastic asymmetrical eclectic piece of artistic brilliance with its daring post-modern angular base pointing East in a radical yet freshly poetic reinterpretation of Zen in an age of technological waste versus wonder, I gave my High Horse Einstein a metaphorical High Five.

(Hey, did you know that TVs these days swivel?)
“You’re Logitech wireless mouse batteries are critical” a less than threatening (to my genius-ness) warning bubble appeared on my computer screen, whilst I smugly emailed the above photo to my parents as a “Thank You” – categorical proof that my supremely empirical mind is as clever as ever (*although it didn’t happen to recall that the stick with the four pointy tips is called a Phillips Screwdriver.) (Thanks Dad!)
What I hadn’t anticipated however, was a complete lack of ability a couple days later to maneuver around the internet without a working external mouse…
Celebrating my 45th Birthday I looked forward to opening e-cards from family and friends, and ‘delicately’ sliding a finger across that intimidating silver panel on the laptop, I ended up accidentally shopping for Bounty paper towels.
(Innocent enough, but rather annoying.)
Making my way back to Yahoo, I glided towards an email from my niece, only to wind up having unintentionally double-tapped on an ad for Kotex and a free offer should I happen to be suffering from bladder leakage.
By the time I skated involuntarily onto ads three and four – “Meet Singles in Inglewood Who are Looking for YOU” (creepy!), and a “Pre-Approved Medical Prescription for Penile Enhancement” (double creepy!) I was done.
Whistling for Einstein, my High Horse and I trotted to the store for a pack of AA batteries only to discover that despite our combined massive cerebrums and brand new pack of batteries, the stupid wireless mouse still didn’t work.
However, such opportunities are mere fodder for astute problem-solving minds…
As I’d disconnected the Mother Ship Doodad with the three prongs that was connected to the computer that somehow allows the wireless gizmo to function, I logically plugging that external thingamajig back in, rebooted, clicked on “connect”, re-ran the software twice and allowing the laptop to shut down and restart itself while I randomly clicked on every prompt to “run” or “allow program” I was once again confident in my genius-ness ability to master the bastard technology!
But two hours later I sighed in defeat, my High Horse having retreated humbly to the stables, myself resigned to spend an eternity (or a day until I could get to an electronics store) randomly landing unintentionally on uninvited internet roll-over banners…  
Pills for Clinical Depression.
“Click here”
Pouring myself a Pity-Party of One cocktail, I poked disagreeably at the brain-dead Logitech mouse.
“Stupid contraption, stupid reset button, stupid battery container” I huffed as the back panel disengaged itself.
(Hey, did you know it apparently significantly matters which direction of the chamber you aim the + and sides of the batteries?)
Forfeiting my Nobel Prize for now!


Michael Taylor said...

Congratulations on the snazzy new TV. Nice...

Don't feel too dumb for the battery thing -- as a juicer, I know full well the importance of maintaining proper polarity, but I too have made that same mistake.

More times than I care to admit, actually -- and in a way, that's a good thing. A little Homer Simpsonesque bungling helps maintain a suitably humble perspective on our place in this world. Nothing like a good "Duh-OH!" dope-slap to remind us that we are not, in fact, all-knowing and infallible beings.

Glad you got the thing working.

Happy New Year.


PS: notice how I left all the perky exclamation points for you?

Penny said...

Thanks for your kind and compassionate comment Mike. I felt like the biggest idiot -- #1 for buying into the holiday hype, and #2 for the bi-polar incident...

Cheers to finding the plus sides in 2011! :)

Pete said...

Woe iz me, I jes composer a doozie fer yer Mzz MoneyPenny 'n it'z wandered awayz inter the waybluewavesyonder.......~}~ ie:- weeping in sorrow.
Owel I dun gotta member whut I'z wrote ain't it......
lemmesee here yer Daddy & Mummy bought you an LED TV, WOWZERZ, yeah dats whut I'z got fer Chrissy too cept, I hadter forkout der dinero meself.......lols. Never U mind we'z'll sit 'n watch dem operas like we're init, dang tings're so big it feels like I'z sitting inder studio wit'em.....lols.
Den der scenario wit der batts, well metinx I advized yer many many moons ago bout der risks o havin too many of dose CAFEVODDVALIUMS.......
'er gettin der mix right, yer cee sumtiems iffn der mix ain't right +s LQQKS liek -s & den der batts doooooon't do aneyting....:-))
Oh yep now I'z gotzital comin bak ter me brain from my earlier attempt !
Yeah,wonderful contraptions des tings called der P.C. When dey work dey wurk but when dey dooooooon den dat'z when I'z shtart pulling mie hair out y'know. Trully AMAAYYZZING mechinery, yep yer got it right Mzz MoneyPenny, klik on Run & Allow iffn wen it zayz zo. & it'll do all yer want it ter do......HOPEFULLY,,,,,,
GeeWhizz wish we had sum smiley'z ter add in here too....~}~OOO
ie:- ROTFLMAOooooo.....
nutter U might tink but guess y'know I miss der GUDOLEDAYZE @ y360 wit BatGal'n WW'n Der Cat,we waz a Gud Crowd back then.
Cheers to yer Mzz Penny & keep up der gudwurk, as alwayz it'z fun to cum'ere & havalaff reading yer POSTS.
A Very Happy New Year to you & May the TV Programmes ROLLON fer You & keep Rolling.......
Love & God Bless,

Penny said...

Hi Pete and WOW!!!

You've literally literarily ("is that a word?" she asks) outdone yourself this time! I'll be working on your translation until the end of the month!!!

Thanks for dropping by, and Happy New Year to you my friend! xoxo