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"The Rebellious Slave" ~ Michelangelo (circa 1513) |
I can’t
lie... It took at least two women and
more than six men to get me there.
Personally, I
found the entire experience extremely exhausting and humiliating, as I don’t
speak the lingo, nor did I have ONE IOTA of a desire to engage in their
decadent lifestyle.
But what choice
did I have if I needed immediate gratification?
Sure, the
somewhat anonymous on-line chats had goaded me, prompted me, and ultimately
challenged me to face my fears, but nothing could’ve truly prepared me for the
real deal...
And yes,
fictional “Agent Jared” could’ve come to my house for about a hundred bucks
depending on my “special needs”, but if he required “additional hardware”,
well, that would definitely cost
So with a brave
face, I applied some make-up, donned my favorite motorcycle boots and took a walk
on the wild side into the local Sado-Masochistic Dungeon.
“Can I help you?” the Best Buy sales
associate wondered as I stood like a startled deer in headlights amongst the throngs
of Holiday shopping traffic.
“Uh” I think I blathered
“What is it that I can do for you?”
he continued coaxing me, as well-rehearsed on-line chatter vulgarly filtered
down from my pea-brain and apparently eventually spilled out of my mouth. “No problem!” he smiled, pointing me to the
Computer Center.
How may I assist you today?” the next sales associate wondered as the unspeakable,
vile vocabulary (repugnant to my virgin ears!), attempted to form in the back
of my throat.
“What’s that?” he frowned curiously,
pushing his glasses further onto his face.
And steeling myself, I uttered the
following foul words to an innocent, pimply faced teenager, who was some
mother’s joy and didn’t deserve to hear such profanity: “I apparently NEED a router and an Ethernet
cable” I uttered shamefully.
(Oh, the HORROR!!!)
“Got it. Give me one minute!” he smiled professionally
as I stood resolutely clinging to a pole next to the cashier’s machine whilst
my Best Buy friend traipsed from aisle to aisle. “This should take care of your issues” he
beamed, scanning one item into the computer.
And with the impending swipe of a
Debit Card, I’d almost joined the Dark Side...
“There’s got to be a ‘safety’ word”
I thought to myself, having caught up on over a month of Criminal Minds and CSI (and
yeah, a pantload of episodes of The Late
Late Show with Craig Ferguson, who ALWAYS has a safety word!)
“What could it be? What could it be?” I fretted, fearful of
adopting a completely new lifestyle without any real guidance other than
on-line chats with the Geek Squad and TiVo Support.
“Hmm... ‘Banana’?” I wondered. (No, that just seemed creepy.) “Gryffindor?”
(No, that might actually excite the
Harry Potter fans in the Dungeon.) No,
the safety word would have to be something completely innocuous... But what could it be?
My DVR was threatening me that my
land line was incapable of downloading the newest software, and all program
guide info would completely disappear
after 3pm that afternoon; leaving me feeling hopeless that on my last week of
hiatus, I’d be Christopher Columbus sailing into the dark abyss off the edge of
the map!!!
And after all the hard work that I’d
put into our sit-com, I would end up missing the Season Premiere???
But then, like a lightning bolt from
The Universe, the ‘safety’ word(s) came to me.
Yes! I had a strategy!!!
“Well, as I explained”, the Best Buy
associate continued (he'd been talking while all of the previous inner dialogue had been spinning in my head?), “all you need to do is unplug the cord from your DSL to
your computer, and the wireless router will give you four more ports. So just plug the cable that comes with THIS
router into your modem.”
“I’m sorry, one more time please?” I
winced, feeling very much like Charlie Brown in school unable to understand his
“See, this router has its own
cable. So, that replaces your DSL cable from your computer and modem, which
makes the wireless connection you need to download the software update from
TiVo, which seems to be too large of a file to access through your land line”
he explained ever-so helpfully.
(“Whanh whanh whanh whanh waa...” Charlie Brown’s teacher
continued as my eyes began to glaze over.)
“Does that make sense to you?” the
most patient human being whatever lived asked.
“So... nothing gets plugged into the
TiVo box?” I seriously tried to
follow his logic which was flying right over my hair spray. “I just buy this Wireless router, and then I
have WiFi?” I wondered, completely lost in an unfamiliar Dungeon whose Captor’s
language I do not speak.
“Oh, no!” he laughed. “That’s a COMPLETELY different system
configuration” he explained.
(Seriously, was I being “Punk’d”?)
“Well then, won’t I also need the
Ethernet cable?” I pawed at my chin thoughtfully, hearkening back to all of the
on-line chat advice.
“How far away is your modem from
your DVR?” Best Buy guy wondered.
“Maybe twenty feet?” I offered (imagining myself splayed on the floor,
battling the forever lurking Dust Bunny Brigade and just what fresh hell THAT
was going to turn into.)
I gotcha covered!” he beamed, having scampered away and retrieving a 25
foot Ethernet cable. “Will that be cash
or charge?”
And with the impending swipe of my
Debit Card once again, I’d almost joined the Dark Side...
Yes, kind
readers, it was time for the safety word.
“Post-it Note” I crossed my arms and
nodded confidently. (OK, so I may never be a big-time Dominatrix in the dark belly of the
underworld known as “technology”, but by golly, I wasn’t paying one red cent
(pardon the pun!) without knowing FOR SURE what the heck I was doing!)
“I’m sorry, what?” the friendly
sales associate shook his head in confusion.
“I apologize for being so stupid” I
threw my hands up in the air, “but can you just write down on a Post-it Note
EXACTLY what I need to do when I get home?”
“Do we have Post-it Notes here?” he
wondered to his fellow co-worker.
“Why would we have those when
there’s email?”
“Um... Back in a sec!” my heroic sales clerk trotted
off to a back room office, returned with pen and paper in hand, and took the
time to jot down systematically the process that I needed to follow. :)
I must say, I’ve learned a lot this
I really kind of horribly suck at asking for technological help when I
need it. At the age of eleven or so, I
could hack computer codes and figure out how to win the games back then! (Of
course now, I’m lucky if I can answer my cell phone within five rings before
accidentally dropping it.)
Whilst the words “Post-it Note” may not be an escape everywhere you
travel, I can almost guarantee it
will at least momentarily stop a Genius in its tracks.
A router and an Ethernet cable will indeed
allow you to download software that a land line cannot handle. (Just be prepared and wear long-sleeved
gloves, because it can be really dust-bunny icky!)
And as my new electronic friends
introduced themselves to each other in my Sanctuary, they configured, negotiated,
and eventually learned to speak each other’s language. (Just what language that is, I’ll never
Oh, my Universe
almost made sense!!!
They were communicating! They were bonding! They were... suddenly disconnected?
“How may I assist
you?” the supportive TiVo agent wanted to know in yet another one of my
painfully bothersome on-line chats.
“I purchased
everything I needed today, and I’m certain I followed the manual” I typed into
the box.
“Do me a favor”
he responded. “Unplug the Ethernet cord,
and plug it back in. You should see a
green light and a blinking yellow light.”
Hunh... Wouldja look at
Spending the night safely in my bed,
curled up in a fetal position and positively terrified to touch
anything until downloading is complete with my new “wireless” system... (See
A slave to my TiVo,
~Your most humble friend, Penny
p.s. “Thank You!” to all at
Tivo/Support and the Geek Squad for putting up with my ignorance, and for your
patience with me! (Please don’t
computer-remotely take over my blog! I
know you have the power!!! :D )
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