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The hilarious Harvey Korman and brilliant comedic genius Carol Burnett,
spoofing "Norma Desmond" from the 1950 film, Sunset Boulevard.
My Epic Production
With the luxury of having our
scripts emailed to the Crew over the weekend, I sat happily in my pajamas,
leisurely preparing for work. By
definition, our Director for the week was “new” to us, but as he’s also our
Editor, we all know each other and are well-versed in each other’s
talents. At the very least, I could be
certain that as soon as he read the script; he’d already be making cutting
choices early in the week!
And as I finished my own homework, I
was delighted that the only possible worst case scenario on Monday would be
getting the timing right for an uncast Guest Actor who only had two lines. Her cue followed what was sure to be a roar
from the Audience, so making a mental note that I’d have to do a bit of
“kerfuffling”; I set the alarm for 6:30am and went to sleep without a care.
4:30am. Wide
awake... (Hmm...)
Deciding that The Universe didn’t wish
to jar me noisily from my cozy slumber on a drizzly morning, I snuggled into my
pillow and watched the news as early rising commuters plowed into each other
all over the freeways, causing massive traffic delays, as the year-round-tanned
Weatherman tracked “STORM WATCH” as well as one fourth of an inch of terribly
dangerous misting!
Blissfully for me however, my path
to employment is ridiculously short, but even so, it only made common sense to
leave the house a little early. And donning
a baseball cap, arriving to work with extra time on my hands (thank goodness, as I was re-routed to the
farthest parking structure in order to accommodate 300 Dancers, who were
apparently hired for a Holiday Extravaganza episode of something – and, ya
know, God FORBID those ATHLETIC people have to WALK, FFS), I eventually
strolled onto my stage for my first hearty breakfast after a two week hiatus.
With a hefty chunk of rehearsal
accomplished before we broke for lunch, I wandered back to Craft Services, and
mentioned to my friend JB that I was feeling a wee bit loopy. I assumed it was due to waking up so early –
a cruel Act of Mother Nature that often occurs to her – and foregoing the entrees
at the moment, I opted for a brownie as an appetizer to raise my blood sugar
Unfortunately, three bites into the
lovely baked yumminess, I started to feel a tad warm and queasy, and completely out of character, I actually threw away the brownie. (I
know! WTF?)But hey, it wasn’t anything a bit of chilly weather couldn’t cure, right?
Stepping outside into the brisk air,
finding an abandoned chair next to the stage, I squealed in joy as two of my
favorite fellow Stand-Ins, Lori and Christi approached down the midway for
hugs! And for the short amount of time
we got to spend chick-chatting, I felt absolutely great! Christi had even brought me a book of short
stories she thought I might enjoy!
Unfortunately however, walking back
on stage to put said gifted book into my backpack, my queasiness returned as I
could feel my face flushing. Luckily,
the Cast were doing some Publicity in their dressing rooms which lengthened our
half hour lunch, which also ensured that I had a few minutes more to sit
invisibly in the Audience seating.
But as my Gorgeous Actress emerged
onto the set, I plucked up my script and began my usual scamper onto the stage.
I remember my co-worker James was in
the midst of telling me something,
but I couldn’t quite follow what he was saying as we walked together...
I think I made it as far as the proscenium
of the third set on stage before putting my hand up in a helpless “you don’t
want to see this” shooing-away gesture.
Yes, kind
readers, in all of my glamorous Hollywood experiences, I now have the Distinct displeasure of adding to my resume, the
highly unfortunate Dishonor of
planting my face into a trash can, clutching dearly for life, and regurgitating
my stomach contents in front of my skeleton Crew.
Not surprisingly, the next few
minutes were a wee bit blurry...
From beneath the small cover of my
baseball cap and watery eyes, I saw feet scurrying, heard a Director’s chair
dragged behind me, had paper towels, bottled water, a wet compress and Ginger
Ale offered with a cup and a straw, was offered a shorter seat, was rubbed comfortingly
on the back a few times, and distinctly heard someone demand the Lot Medic to
the stage. And stupidly trying to hold
my scarf and studio ID behind my neck (hey,
I’ve EARNED that badge!!!) I pawed blindly for the roll of paper towels
with one hand. “Here ya go, sweetie”
someone in sneakers immediately placed one in my clutches.
Good Heavens!
I’d suddenly become the center scene
of some sort of Cecile B. DeMille-esque Feature Film with “A Cast of
Thousands!” I don’t think I even
received that much attention the first time I barfed on my parents as an
And maybe seconds (?) later, I heard
the soothing voice of the Studio Nurse Tammi (whom I’ve known for decades)
who had barreled to the stage (as she does!) ask me if I was OK and exactly
what had happened.
“Queasy. Skipped lunch. Got all sweaty. Threw up” I think I said,
wiping snot off of my face with a shaky clump of tissues. “Do I feel feverish?” I wondered, since I was
sweating profusely – mostly from the horrifically
humiliating scenario happening all around me as more and more shoes gathered
around the train wreck. (Which, ya know, is everyone’s heart’s desire to have
an audience at that moment.)
“Let me check”, she smiled, stuffing
something cold on the back of my neck in my scarf and offering me a shot of
Pepto-Bismol as she searched her medical case.
“Hmm... I think I only have
rectal thermometers in here...” she mused sadly.
“WHAT???” I
panicked, already embarrassed beyond belief.
“I’m kidding, Pen!” she laughed.
“But that’s a good sign that it’s probably nothing serious. Open your mouth, and give me a finger to
monitor your heart rate.”
(Ooh, if I didn’t love her, she’d have gotten
the middle finger!)
With Tammi’s report complete to the
ADs that my vitals were fine, she left it to their discretion as to whether or
not to send me home (unless of course I regurgitated again.)
But by the sheer kindness of my ADs,
not only did they release me, but they had also devised various plans to get me
home should I be unable to drive myself.
(Believe me; the offers were
tempting and UNBELIEVABLY appreciated!)
But I was bound and determined to
retain at least one ounce of my dignity!
“Well, at least take these with you,
if you’re going to drive yourself” Tammi insisted, plopping some items into my possession.
Remembering that I’d had to park at
the “North” Structure that morning, I must say that I was comforted to have
been so well taken care of, as I made it PRECISELY to the closer bathroom
facility, wherein whatever wayward existing anomaly in my system suddenly
decided to attempt its journey “South”. (Oh, the irony!)
(Ah, yes, an awesome job of maintaining my dignity.)
Eventually scooting over Laurel
Canyon like a bat outta hell, Cecilia (my ’97 Toyota) couldn’t get me home fast
enough to peel off my clothes and allow me to whimper in cold chills as I
pulled the blankets up to my chin.
With incredibly sore muscles that (I’m
guessing) only bulimic Supermodels use, I eventually sat up a few hours later on
the edge of my bed weakly, and wondered what the heck was spilling over the
brim of my already weighty purse.
Oooh! There was the cold thingie that Tammi had
stuffed into my scarf!
“Kerfuffling” at my utter lack of
ability to find the words of gratitude to properly THANK EVERYONE, who took a
moment to help or comfort me, please know that every single effort was DEEPLY
My Epic Production – The Sequel
Having banked approximately 19 hours
of sleep on our day off (a personal
record!), I awoke relatively refreshed and ready for a simple day of
rehearsal. Granted, I was still a bit achy
and weak from lack of sustenance, but my tasks would consist of nothing more
than sitting, watching, laughing and taking notes. Our run-thru was at 2:30pm and I would easily
be home by 4pm!
My tummy had passed its morning
beta-test successfully, as three saltines were deemed “acceptable”, yet my
hands seemed a tad shaky (most noticeably
when I sat down in front of the mirror to apply eyeliner – well, Hello, Chriss
Angel!). Oh, but that would soon be
quelled with breakfast!
As happily predicted, Wednesday was
indeed easy-peasy! Not wanting to push
my limits, yet hungry for some kind of bland food in the belly, I actually nibbled
two small blueberry pancakes sans butter or maple syrup. (Life good!)
And whilst I love the taco day
catering we get now and again for lunch, I limited my intake to some rice and
nacho chips. (Life great!)
And gearing up for our run-thru, I joyfully
picked up my plate of remaining chips like popcorn at the movies in the
darkness of the Audience seating, popped one greasy triangle in my mouth, stood
up for a better view, grabbed the safety railings that meet at the corner, and
with proper balance that braced my back muscles, hurled my lunch into yet
another trash can. (Life cruel!)
“Go HOME Penny” my First AD nodded
sympathetically, as our Stage PA promptly brought me tissues and water after
confirming that I didn’t require the assistance Nurse Tammi.
I must say, this past week taught me
a much needed lesson about my control issues.
I’ve never been one to take a sick
day and miss a paycheck, nor have I ever allowed myself not to try to excel to
the best of my abilities whatever the situation.
But sometimes, you just have to let
go and take care of YOU.
With humble gratitude to our Set PA,
my ADs, our Set Dec, Props, Scripty, a fellow SI friend and Dimmer Board Op who
all had the unfortunate experience of witnessing my “big splash in Hollywood”
but wanted to make sure I was okay, THANK YOU.
Thanks also to our Crew who day-play
on so many different shows, for noticing my absence after a weary fourteen-hour
camera blocking day, and who all hoped I was feeling better!
And special thanks to my friend Tara
for standing-in for me as a Stand-In for my Gorgeous Actress yesterday and
today. Whilst I’m 100% recovered, what an
absolute JOY to return to work with a hearty appetite, and the meager “burden” of
literally SITTING, in two simple scenes for Actresses who were not our Leading Lady!!!
Back on my feed, descending my staircase
to the stage, and ready for my close-up next week, Mr. DeMille,
~Comeback Queen P :)
It must be going around, I'm working on purging the same thing right now. Day 2, here I come!
(Thank goodness it's a weekend!)
Glad you're feeling better!
Bless your heart, Heather! You're halfway back to healthy!
I found that saltines, Glaceau vitamin water and Ginger Ale were my best friends along with a gazillion hours of sleep.
I hope you get well soon! :)
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