Tuesday, March 12, 2013

75 Simple Steps to Mentally Sabotage an Otherwise Perfectly Happy Hiatus


1.    Discovering a bit of free time on idle hands, use the gift of temporary unemployment to sort out receipts and spend a leisurely afternoon collecting W-2s and 1099’s whilst adding up miscellaneous deductions and reporting all documentation on forms from CPA.

2.    Embrace said leisurely time and grown-up attitude of handling adult responsibilities and all bills paid, whilst simultaneously patting self on back.

3.    Pour celebratory cocktail.

4.    Repeat Step 3.

5.    Repeat Step 3.

6.    Repeat Step 3.

7.    Acknowledge that cell phone has not rung offering gainful employment, but insist that new skills must constantly be learned in preparation for end of hiatus.

8.    Prop self up at 45 degree angle on left elbow and proceed to discover new computer game on Kindle.

9.    Play game and successfully complete Level One.

10. Repeat Step 3.

11. Play game and successfully complete Level Two.

12. Repeat Step 3.

13. Lose Third Level, due to difficulty regarding slow hand-eye coordination and onset of irksome rapid-fire hiccups.

14. Replace Step 3 with pure caffeine to regain focus and achieve higher rankings with proper medallions that honor extraordinarily brilliant game play.

15. With senses now functioning at warp speed, discover that delightfully unobtrusive ditty of a tune playing in the background of said game has now become an ear worm in brain running on endless musical loop.  

16. Pause game in order to search iTunes downloads for most excellent bombastic repetition of “Prisoner of Society” by The Living End on computer.  (Personal choice of song selection may vary.)

17. Repeat Step 14.

18. Repeat Step 14.

19. Repeat Step 14.

20. Discover that previous slow hand-eye coordination was significantly easier to master in game play, as opposed to uncontrollable bouncing off ceiling, caffeinated jitters and cold shivers from vasoconstriction of blood vessels in extremities.

21. Pause game again, so as to ponder bewildering cause of searing pain localized in left elbow after a mere ten or twelve hours of ‘proppage’.

22. Disregard all logic in lieu of embracing debilitating panic as to possible “bed sore” and potential threat of gangrene from numb left hand propped continuously against ear.

23. Google “bed sore” images to medically confirm diagnosis and immediate placement of self in convalescent home with feeding tube, catheter and most unpleasant severing of wobbly useless limb.

24. Run screaming in terror from computer at “bed sore” images!

25. Repeat Step 3!!!


1.    Awaken (all limbs intact as before - *whew!*) to chilly cloudy day in Los Angeles and choose to embrace world once again as happy-go-lucky adult on hiatus.

2.    Receive paperwork in snail mail from CPA verifying both State and Federal refunds.

3.    Sign said documents, and proceed to Postal Office to FAX important forms so as to have monies electronically deposited into checking account at swift-like-the- speedy-winds of government bureaucracy. (Or, you know, WHENEVER.)

4.    Having dodged imaginary bullet of unnecessary amputation due to excessive computer game play, adopt ever-so-scientific grown-up attitude of embracing  theoretically preventative medicine as to warding off Alzheimer’s Disease, by reintroducing challenging omnibus of New York Times Saturday crossword puzzles into daily ritual. (Inhale haughty pretentious self-righteous attitude that Sunday puzzles have a theme, and are thereby FAR less difficult.)

5.    Opt for “Criminal Minds” marathon on television as background noise so to incorporate sophisticated “Behavioral Analysis Unit” as inspiration, whilst simultaneously challenging self to solve complicated cruciverbalist collection.

6.    Carefully select choice of gel in pen color and grip, so as to aesthetically enhance both left and right brain experience.

7.    Pour weak cocktail – elegant mixture of one part vodka, three parts Glaceau Vitamin Water - to augment neural synapses firing on all pistons.

8.    Prop self up at 45 degree angle on left elbow.

9.    Yelp like newborn puppy in whelping box, at “gamer’s” elbow pain.

10. Determine that as 45 degree angle of “proppage” is completely out of the question, deliberate over whether or not to use Neosporin for soreness and bruising vs. Gold Bond Ultimate for softening with Shea Butter.

11. Reconsider given parameters, and opt for empirical evening of crime fighting with aforementioned Behavioral Analysis Unit on television.

12. Dress appropriately for bundled up evening of rain, thunderstorms and serial killers by donning official Wonder Woman “snuggie”.   (Personal choice of Super Hero blanket selection may vary.)

13. Scratch clueless chin in appropriate “wonder”, as cable goes out due to inclement weather and LG TV searches haplessly for satellite signal.

14. Logically reboot TiVo.

15. Repeat Step 7 to implement usage of electrolytes and potassium whilst mildly comforting brain.

16. Spock-logically unplug TiVo for thirty seconds and restart DVR yet again, so as to dislodge any viral miscommunications with Cable Company.

17. Observe LG TV continue to search unsuccessfully for satellite signal.

18. Turn off television.

19. Determine that Universe is recommending Existential experience as it relates to the absurd and meaningless constant assault on one’s senses by continuous barrage of ever invasive technology permeating and perverting the most basic need for experiencing human contact.

20. Sit Zen-like in Buddhist tranquility to embrace nuances of Universe whilst reflecting upon uncommonly and increasingly louder storm.

21. In accordance with laws of Nature (and proper respect for many creatures reptilian), leap out of skin at sonic-boom clap of thunder directly over home whilst screaming like a five year old.

22. Replace Step 7 with hearty amalgamation of 50/50 ingredients!

23. Repeat Step 22!!!

24. Apply appropriate layers of both Neosporin and Gold Bond Ultimate lotion to “gamer’s” reptilian elbow whilst vodka-logically contemplating integration and importance of reconciliation between vastly different schools of thought.

25. Drift blissfully (albeit briefly) off to sleep listening to gentle pit-a-pat of raindrops tapping at window, until pea-brain spends the next grueling eight hours swapping computerized colorful tiles to happy ditty annoying ear worm of relentless musical loop which will apparently haunt the mind for an eternity...


1.    Awaken with new gratitude that it is NOT in fact the 1980’s; you have NOT just attended a Loverboy concert, NOR have your parents just given you your first handheld Game Boy with Tetris that you played all night in your head.

2.    Shake off visuals of attending said Loverboy concert wearing ridiculous non-breathable leather pants in venue of 25,000 sweaty teenagers who know absolutely nothing about what it means to be “working for the weekend”.  (Personal choice of flashbacks may vary.)

3.    Reprimand self for hypocrisy and realization that by definition of “hiatus”, one is in fact NOT working for the weekend, nor working at all for that matter.

4.    Pat belly pod comfortingly, that at least for a few shining years it actually FIT into leather pants!

5.    Regain mental focus.

6.    With eyes back on larger picture, confirm online that bank has indeed received tax refunds and are currently being processed.

7.    Further confirm with incoming snail mail, that Unemployment Department has updated their records to three weeks ago (speedy like the wind!), and does in fact owe you YOUR OWN MONEY.

8.    Upon achieving temporary sense of financial stability whilst waiting for gainful employment, determine to reconcile self-induced stupidity often associated with idle time.

9.    Contemplate legal ramifications of writing imaginary document of agreement that should Cable Company choose to allow LG TV to find satellite signal again, one might actually watch commercials as a measure of good faith.

10. Further, add mental rider clause, that should Cable Company manage to sustain it’s one and only stupid job of providing cable, one might possibly consider paying attention to annoying advertisements.

11. Roll eyes incredulously, but turn on television nonetheless.

12. Clap hands in joy to find marathon of favorite shows.

13. Pause TiVo to accrue time during restroom visit, but recall Step 10.

14. Admit that $9.95 is a reasonable price for an “as seen on TV!” item that would actually be beneficial to household.

15. Supply credit card information online and confirm telephone number.

16. Receive “receipt of purchase” (should one happen to have a printer attached to one’s laptop computer), verifying information and monies paid.

17. Pause to reconsider Step 10.

18. Proceed to be bombarded at all hours of the day and night by telemarketers who now possess your phone number in their sweaty, greedy little paws.

19. Forego joyful Happy Hour at 5:30pm, as all joy has been sucked out of world with telephone ringing every twenty-two and a half minutes.

20. Attempt to regain tiniest hint of joy, by politely answering each call with “please stop dialing this number, thank you!”

21. Repeat Step 20, ONE MILLION TIMES.

22. Wistfully grieve over temporary loss of happier days with simple reptilian gamer’s elbow and random selection of cruciverbalist gel pens.

23. Sit Zen-like in spiritual reverence to meditate on breathing, quietude and acceptance of that which is beyond one’s control as phone continues to ring.  (Om...)

24. Answer incoming call which may be recorded for quality-control purposes, and proceed to unleash reptilian cruciverbalist ASS on recorded computer message, with all due manner of split infinitives, dangling participles and graphic insults regarding Village Idiot’s inability to stop fucking calling this number, coupled with hearty dose of gang-slang which may or may not include disparaging comments towards computer message’s Mother.  (Personal selection of vocabulary and self-expression may vary.)

25. Recognize passive/aggressive behavior as childish, yet wallow in sudden influx of endorphins which culminate in possibly best “sleep of the dead” all month!
Slowly regaining my sanity as financial security sets in, telemarketing wanes and jaunty ditty* in pea-brain subsides,

~No longer psycho P
*Hey, look at that!  There’s a “volume” button on the side of the Kindle!!!

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